“Uncle Sam” by Bruce X Parker

Earlier this year Bruce X Parker (whose sharp critiques of the Michigan Department of Corrections we have shared with you before) won a major Federal court settlement against his captors. As a “strategist and a tactician” Bruce X takes the struggle in the courts for what it is: a means to survive in the belly of…

Tasting Abolition

What follows are some notes on something we’ve been ruminating on these past few months. It is an attempt to think-chew through the density of Abolition in its many textures and flavors … especially now that many more of us have gotten a taste of it. Image credit: Fermi National Accelerator laboratory.   Haz clic aquí…

Survival Pending Abolition

Longtime abolitionists, thinkers, writers, militants: Amanda Alexander (Detroit Justice Center), Kim Wilson (Beyond Prisons) and Ruth Wilson Gilmore speak with us in this hour-long episode about abolitionist struggle in this moment of pandemia and social crisis. Image credit: Baba Wayne Curtis of the Emory Douglas Youth & Family Arts Program and Feedom Freedom Growers Subscribe…

Updates about the dire situation inside Macomb prison in Michigan

Today, we hear once again from Bruce X Parker, a 34 year old asthmatic, who is facing an increasingly desperate situation inside Macomb prison. Just north of Detroit, Macomb prison is located in the midst of the epicenter of the rapidly growing pandemic in Michigan.

Crimmigration and Internationalist Abolition

The Asian Prisoner Support Committee speaks about internationalist abolition and strategic interventions to stop deportations of all those caught up in the crimmigration system –the crossroads of criminal and immigration law– and what it takes to bring back those who have been deported. Image credit: Olga Kherber Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe via RSS | Download…

Abolitionist Study with Stevie Wilson

Black and queer abolitionist writer Stevie Wilson, held captive by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, was recently released from solitary confinement. He speaks about the importance of abolitionist study as a space of common encounter that undermines the hold that the carceral state has on our lives, both inside and outside prison walls. You can…

A strategy of disruption: Thinking through the prison strike as an abolitionist tactic

Three years after the nationwide September 2016 prison strikes, abolitionist intellectual “HH” re-joins us on the show. He speaks about what the few months before the prison strikes looked like from inside Michigan’s Kinross prison and we discuss the tactical advantages of the strike within an abolitionist strategy of disruption. Image credit: Norman Lewis Subscribe…

Ohio prisoners speak! A year after the 2018 nationwide prison strike

In this special bonus episode released on the anniversary of the 2018 nationwide prisoner strike we feature the voices of two Ohio prisoners, David Easley and Mark Hinkston. David and Mark discuss the state repression they and their comrades faced in the wake of the 2018 prison strikes and ways to support prison rebels. You…